Marketing Research

Ideal Customer Reasearch


A buyer persona is a detailed description of someone who represents your target audience. This persona is fictional but based on deep research of your existing or desired audience.

You can’t get to know every customer or prospect individually. But you can create a customer persona to represent your customer base.

Buyer’s Journey Research


Do you know how your buyers search for new vendors? Do you know what motivates them to move forward with their selection process? Do you know what content, marketing campaigns, or sales initiatives to launch to persuade more customers? PM Marketing's Buyer’s Journey Research helps you answer these questions.

Brand Research


The market perception of your brand can often feel nebulous and difficult to pin down. But don’t stop there. How do customers and users feel about your brand after they’ve bought a product or service from you? Are they satisfied or shopping around? Are competitors’ customers glancing your way or happy where they are? What would it take to get your buyers to advocate for you on the web and to colleagues?

Customer Satisfaction Research


Great customer experience correlates directly to business success. Research shows that leaders in customer experience are 3 times more likely to have significantly exceeded their 2019 business goals, and a survey of B2B buyers identified “customer experience” as the most exciting business opportunity for 2020.

Areas of Practice

Social Media Management


Social Media Management requires two obsessions in order to succeed: research and testing. With the landscape changing daily, we provide our clients with the most up to date and effective strategies to maximize your ROI.

Email Management


There are thousands of questions that come up when setting up an Email marketing strategy, and over the past 7 years, we’ve encountered all of them. Don’t let simple fixes stand between you and your audience’s inbox.Learn More

Search Engine Optimization


Unlike Social Media and Email, a well optimized website will continue to grow and profit for FREE. We provide current on-site SEO strategies, as well as the creation of a meaningful back link profile.

Lead Production


Few aspects of marketing evoke fear like the act of purchasing leads. In a field known for dishonesty and black-hat tactics, P.M. Marketing prides itself on transparency & communication. With experience across over 100 niches, there is no funnel we can’t fill.